Thursday, February 24, 2022

5 Common Questions about Migraines | Named Patient Supply

Named Patient medicine

1. What is a Migraine?

Migraine is characterized by moderate to severe throbbing pain in the head (usually on one side, but sometimes both), often including nausea, dizziness, tingling or numbness of the face, visual disturbances, or sensitivity to light, sound, or smell. it occurs. They can happen as often as per week. Each person can have their own combination of symptoms, and they can change from one migraine to another. AlleviareIndia helps to import medicine under named patient program. 

2. What causes migraine?

While no one knows for sure why migraines happen, new treatments target a specific protein that appears to contribute to migraines. Migraines are more common in women, which suggests that hormones such as estrogen may play a role. A genetic link may also increase your risk, as migraines tend to run in families. Researchers continue to search for the root cause of migraine.

3. Will the migraine get better with time?

The good news is that most people with migraines have fewer headaches as they age. But it's not guaranteed, which is why your doctor will likely recommend treatment now rather than waiting.

4. Are migraines damaging my brain?

No, migraine headaches, even if they are severe, do not cause any damage to your brain or head.

5. What is the best treatment for migraine?

Fortunately, there are many medications available to treat headaches. But while every medicine is right for someone, one might not be you. Your doctor may want you to try several different medicines to find the right one. AlleviareIndia provides helps  to import named patient medicine. 

Although there is no definitive test for migraine, neurologists and headache specialists can help you sort through your headache symptoms, severity, frequency, and other characteristics to determine if a migraine is the correct diagnosis and recommend a treatment plan. to do.