Friday, April 17, 2020

Named Patient Supply - Licenced Medicines Access Program

Provide medicines to patients in need through designated patient supply

Governments around the world have formulated relevant provisions that allow the use of designated patient plans before the use of drugs. Approved for patients who have exhausted all alternative
treatment options. And it does not meet the inclusion criteria for clinical trials. Usually classified as compassionate use, expanded range of use, or designated patient material label, These named patient plans are subject to rules that vary from country to country, and these conditions define access criteria, data collection, promotion, and control drug distribution. In the United States, pre-approval needs are usually met through the application of treatment IND or single patient IND. These mechanisms belong to the label of the extended access plan and can provide patients with drug access plans.
Applicable to patient groups or individuals living in the United States. Outside the United States, the designated patient plan is controllable and the use of the drug in the United States is pre-approved. Before these drugs are approved in the patient's home country, they should respond to the doctor's request on behalf of a specific or "named" patient. Through these programs, patients can use drugs in later clinical trials or obtain drugs for genuine, unmet medical requirements in other countries Before these drugs are approved in the patient's home country.

Patient supply process

1.Patients with serious drug requirements
2.GM Global's internal processing of drug verification
3.Identify the best source for a specific prescription
4.Import medicines under the GDP directive
5.Supply medicines to relevant healthcare providers after quality inspection

Patient drug

Enable healthcare professionals to purchase medicines needed by patients.

Medical staff may face the challenge of trying to treat patients who require local treatment. The drug may not have been released on its territory, has been discontinued or just in short supply. In these situations, physicians and pharmacists often need to find and assign patient-specific, difficult-to-access treatments (often called named patient medicines) in emergency situations.

Our international reputation for the supply of "named patient medicines" has attracted frequent methods of pharmaceutical companies that are looking for a founding company to coordinate the supply of "named patient plans" for their products. We handle each partnership on a unique basis, whether it is implementing a "controlled patient access plan" or managing cross-border logistics for individual patients.

Information for patients

As a named patient medication, you may feel that you are in a serious condition or disease, and that your country cannot provide the treatment you need, which puts you in a frightening situation. These medicines may be available outside of your country. If your doctor thinks these medicines are suitable for the treatment of your disease, they will face the challenge of obtaining medicines for you. We help physicians around the world to obtain medicines that are not approved or approved in their country but may need to meet the specific needs of individual patients.

If you want to know more about Name Patient Program Click here

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